Monday, August 17, 2009

Live from Waterloo Iowa, it's Monday Morning!

Dear Elder Morain Fan Club,

Hows everybody been eh? I've been spectacular. We had a good week here in Waterloo. On Thursday night we had an amazing lesson with Arielle. We went over the strength for youth pamphlet with her and challenged her that if she lived the values taught in it for a month she will recognize her life has been blessed by living the values. She came to church yesterday and she said she learned a lot. Throughout my life I have slowly come to figure out that by living the gospel we really are blessed. On my mission especially as I've seen the people I teach change their lives around by living the teachings we taught them. It is such a testimony builder for me.
At our district meeting we watched the movie that is shown when you go to the MTC with your parents and say goodbye. This coming wednesday August 19th I will be hitting my 17 month mark from that very day I said goodbye to my parents. I cannot believe how fast time has flown. As I see my companion Elder Gillespie get ready to go 10 days, I realize how short 2 years on a mission can be.
I want to thank all of you that have supported me thus far on my mission. I hope to hear from you and hear how your life has changed these past 17 months. Because mine sure has. Until next wednesday...
Keep it real
VE Elder Morain

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