Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Laboring from the mission field

Dear Elder Morain Fan Club,

I apologize for not being able to send an email yesterday, since it was labor day yesterday the ISU library was closed so we are emailing today. I hope it's not "to late to apologize." as One Republic would say haha.

Well, I hope everyone had a fantastic labor day, cuz i sure did! My district celebrated labor day by grillin out! It was delish, and after that we played some sand volleyball on campus. It was a fun time. My companion Elder Sage gave me a haircut and it is the best haircut i have had in a long time haha.
Well, on wednesday I got to go on exchanges with Elder Nelson and we had some great experiences. We visited a potential investigator and the mom answered the door and we taught her a lesson and she was very nice. She said we can come back and I can see a lot of potential with her and her family. Then we visited Karen, who is the mom of the family we are teaching right now. I got to meet her for the first time and we had a good gospel conversation. She seems like a member already its crazy! Later in the day we were tracting, and on the last door we were going to knock before we caught the next bus was a young couple's door. They invited us in and started asking us all these questions. They were really sincere and they invited us back to dinner. I gave them a Book of Mormon and committed them to pray about our church. I'm glad Elder Nelson followed the prompting he had to knock that door, and it strengthened my testimony that the Spirit really directs us in our missionary work.
Well I hope everyone has a great week and I would love to hear from you on how everything's goin down.
Keep it real
VE Elder Morain

Here are some pictures of when I baptized Carol Betts and her family is in the pic with us.
The others are when I went to Winter Quarters Temple. Also one of when I went to the Arena Football All Star Game. And one of us in front of a statue at Trinity heights on my last day in sioux city.

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