Monday, July 14, 2008

Best week of my mission!

Dear Elder Morain Fan Club,
This week has probably been the best week of my entire mission so far. On wednesday morning, we went to my investigator Carol's house to teach her a lesson. I asked her if she would set a baptismal date at the end of the lesson. Carol then told me that she would set a date for her baptism! She set it for saturday July 26th!!!!!! I am so happy that she has made this step in her life towards baptism. I remember one of the very first days I had in the mission field was when I met Carol. I've been teaching Carol since april and she has finally committed herself to baptism. I feel that all the sacrifices I have made throughtout my whole life even to get me to where I am on a mission, are now worth it because Carol has decided to be baptized and open the doors to the celestial kingdom.
On saturday, I got the opportunity to go to the winter quarters temple! My mission president approved the trip because I was going with my investigator Merlin and a member. So saturday morning they picked us up and we drove to omaha nebraska! I got to do an Endowment Session at 10. I never thought I would get the opportunity to even go to the temple at all on my mission so I was so happy to be able to go. I felt the spirit so strong in the house of the Lord. After the session, my companion and I took some pictures outside the temple. I hope I get to send you some pictures soon cuz I got some good ones haha. Then we took my investigator to the Mormon Trail Center right by the temple. We got to take a tour, watch this video and see all these really exciting church history displays. I was so excited to be there, because I study about the pioneers and church history almost everyday here on the mission and now I got to go where it all went down and see it for reals. After that we went over to the Mormon Pioneer Cemetary and it was quite a sight to see. Then we went over to the winter quarters church bookstore, the only church bookstore that I've seen or ever will see on my mission so it was exciting haha. The whole experience was just amazing, I'm so grateful that I could have the opportunity to go to the temple and see all that church history.
Well, I am loving my mission! This wednesday july 16th is my half bday! Isn't crazy I'm already 19 and a half years old?! haha. Well, my next Pday is next monday so I hope to hear from all you guys. Thank you to all who have emailed and sent letters they are very inspiring.
VE Elder Morain