Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It's a fresh new transfer!

Dear Elder Morain Fan Club,

This past week has been one of the most craziest weeks on my mission. On thursday we had our transfers. I said goodbye to my companion who went home on friday. I met my new companion Elder Thomas and we are getting a long really well already! He is from Mesa Arizona and came out on his mission only 3 months before me. We also got 4 other new missionaries in my district. Elder Firmage is in the YSA branch. Elder Johnson in the 2nd ward. They replaced the sister missionaries who were in story city with elders now. Elder Burr and Elder Gillespie(who was my District leader in Sioux city for 6 weeks) is now my district leader here! I'm so excited he is in my district again, I love the guy and we are good friends.

Well, on Saturday we had our Zone Conference and Elder Dennis B. Neaunschwander of the 1st quorumn of the 70 came and taught us! He has been a 70 since 1991 and gave us some amazing ways we can improve to be better missionaries. We also got to attend the Adult Session of the Ames stake conference that night and that was a very spiritual meeting. Yesterday we got to go to the Recent Convert meeting where Elder Neaunschwander spoke and then after we had the general session of stake conference! It was in the Ames Middle School Auditorium, that was the 1st time for me having church outside of a church building it was a cool experience. President and Sister Oaks who are the Temple President and Matron of the Winter Quarters temple spoke to us as well. President Oaks is Elder Dallin H. Oaks brother! I learned so much and felt the spirit so stong as we were taught by a General Authority.
Well, I hope everyone has a fun veterans day tomorrow! My Dad just told me that 81 people are getting these emails, thats crazy! I hope to hear how everyones been.
Keep it real!
VE Elder Morain