Monday, November 24, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Dear Elder Morain Fan Club,

I wish you all a very Happy Thanksgiving this thursday! I love the Holiday season. With the theme of our sacrament meetings yesterday being on thanksgiving I've taken a step back and recognized all the many blessings I have to be thankful for. I'm so thankful I have this opportunity to serve a full time mission. Last Wednesday was my 1/3 mark for my mission. I can't believe 1/3 of my mission is already done!

On thursday we had the opportunity to teach a new investigator we found through tracting on wednesday! His name is Brett and we taught him the restoration and the spirit was so strong there. Right after we challenged him to read and pray about the Book of Mormon he got up and put the book on his pillow so he would not forget to do it. Also it just so happens that Brett is good friends with our other investigator Kyle! We went to Kyle and Grace's house that same night and they invited their friend Tim once again. They cooked us dinner and we had a great time. Then on friday night we were talking to people in downtown Ames and out of no where Tim our investigator pulls up. He invites us to go on a Hay ride with a horse and buggy so we went with him. It was pretty cool haha.

The song titled, "It's a Small World" has a whole new meaning to me now. To my suprise I saw my friend on the cover of the church news! Sister Cross, who was in my district at the MTC, is on the cover of the October 25th, 2008 Church news! It has an article about her in there too. I thought it was pretty crazy.
O ya and on saturday we had the first SNOW here in Iowa for the season! It is so much colder here than anything I have ever experienced. But I'm lovin it up here in Ames!
Once again I hope everyone has a fantastic thanksgiving this thursday and the next time you hear from me it will be december!
Keep it real!
VE Elder Morain

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